[-empyre-] Welcome Jill Scott

Dear list,

Contributions to the discussion on The New Media Reader have been very
plentiful and exciting.  All of you help make -empyre- the cogent space for
real debate and exchange about media culture that it is. My thanks to
everyone including lurkers for being inside the soft skinned space.

Meanwhile today it's time to re-introduce Jill Scott.  Jill had asked us if
she might be more active on the list after the middle of the month.  Here is
a bit of cut and paste from her opening remarks and her biography.

Discussion of The New Media Reader isn't over, though.  Nick and Noah will
still be on for the rest of January.  It would be great to be able to
interface NMR with Jill's outlook and book, Coded Characters (Hatje Catze,

Perhaps a good place to start connecting all these constellations of ideas
is to ask about how  - as Jill puts it --

>>> perceptions of time, space, object, body and the represented character,
>> can
>>> be more influenced by the discoveries and ethics of science, than by
>>> advances in technology itself. How will Media Art be effected by these
>>> influences? How might explorations into natural and cognitive sciences
>>> serve to further shift our definitions of Media art and body, as well as
>>> our representations, audience roles and interactive responses?

Welcome, Jill, to our conversation with Nick, Noah and the list.


Transmedia artist


>>> Short Biography- Jill Scott.
>>> Jill Scott was born in 1952, in Melbourne, Australia. She has exhibited
>>> many video artworks, conceptual performances and interactive environments
>>> in USA, Australia, Europe and Japan. In 1973, she completed a Degree in
>>> Film, Art and Design from Prahran Institute of Technology,  Melbourne.
>> From
>>> 1975-1982 she  lived in San Francisco, where she finished a Masters Degree
>>> in Communications from San Francisco State University, and became the
>>> Director of Site, Cite, Sight, an alternative Gallery for Sculptural
>>> Installation.  In 1982 she returned to Australia to lecture in Media at
>> the
>>> University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts, Sydney and start the
>>> Australian Video Festival. Since then she has worked with computers
>> leading
>>> to 3d Animation and Interactive Art. In 1992 she was invited to be a Guest
>>> Professor for Computer Animation, in the Hochschule feur Kunst,
>>> Saarbrucken, Germany, and in 1993 won an Award of distinction at Ars
>>> Electronica for Interactive Art. From 1994-97 she was an Artist in
>>> Residence and project co-ordinator for the Medienmuseum at the Zentrum fur
>>> Kunst und Medien Technology in Karlsruhe.(ZKM) as well as a Research
>> Fellow
>>> at The Center for Advanced Inquiry into the Interactive Arts, University
>> of
>>> Wales, Great Britain, where she was awarded a Doctorate in Media
>>> Philosophy. From 1998-2003 she was Professor for Installation design in
>> the
>>> Media Faculty at The Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany and currently
>>> she is a research professor at the Academy of Art and Design (HGKZ) in
>>> Switzerland.
>>> Prof. Dr. Jill Scott
>>> Media Artist
>>> www.jillscott.org
>>> OUT NOW: Coded Characters:A book about the media artwork of Jill Scott:
>>> order through the Publisher: www.hatjecantz.de
>>> __________________

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